

Sell Olympic dinghy H303


It’s a Olympia Jol , O Jol.

It was built in 1975 by Vrijheid BV in Nederland.

The Jol is complete in wood, hull and deck.

I have 3 sails, one of them is the original sail with number H 303

The Jol stands on a good trailer.

I have 2 tarpaulin’s , one for transportation and one for on the water with or without mast up.

Mast and boom are in aluminium.

Rudder 2x , one in aluminium.

Everything in perfect condition.

Location of the Jol is Brugge , Belgium.

Price o.t.k.

Mvg Dhaenens Peter

Mail: dhaenens.p@telenet.be

Tel: +32 474 927 459

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